Adult Psychology & Counselling

Adult Psychology & Counselling

Search result is: Adult Psychology & Counselling

Clinical Psychologist
PhD (Lon.) MSc (clin) Exeter MBA (Bmth) C.Psych. AFBPsS AFHKPs HKICP

Clinical Psychologist
PhD (Lon.) MSc (clin) Exeter MBA (Bmth) C.Psych. AFBPsS AFHKPs HKICP

MSocSc Counselling
M Ed Educational Leadership
B Ed Secondary Education

MSocSc Counselling
M Ed Educational Leadership
B Ed Secondary Education

Graduate Psychologist (Diplom, Germany): Clinical Psychology, Occupational and Organisational Psychology
Clinical Neuropsychologist (German Neuropsychological Society GNP)

Graduate Psychologist (Diplom, Germany): Clinical Psychology, Occupational and Organisational Psychology
Clinical Neuropsychologist (German Neuropsychological Society GNP)

Director of Clinical Governance and Development, Adult Psychology team
Clinical Psychologist
MA (Oxon), D Clin Psych

Director of Clinical Governance and Development, Adult Psychology team
Clinical Psychologist
MA (Oxon), D Clin Psych

Clinical Psychologist
B Soc Sci (Psychology), Hons (Psychology), M Psych (Clinical), PhD (Psychology)

Clinical Psychologist
B Soc Sci (Psychology), Hons (Psychology), M Psych (Clinical), PhD (Psychology)

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