Covid-19 updates and flu vaccination

Dear patients,

Happy Chinese New Year!

As cross-border travel to the mainland continues to increase and more people coming to Hong Kong, we are seeing longer wait times for the bivalent Comirnaty (BioNTech) vaccine. We recommend all those who are eligible plan for their next booster shot before any significant increase in cases. (You can check the recommended dose schedule on the following website:

For any other Covid-19 related issues, please book an appointment with your usual family doctor or paediatrician. We offer remote consultations when appropriate, as well as medicine delivery if necessary. For more details please see our website:

Retail anti-viral for Covid-19 is also available for purchase for any visitors from overseas falling ill or if you wish to purchase for your future travels.

With increasing travel, we also expect more cases of imported influenza from around the world. If you still have not had your winter flu vaccine, we recommend doing so as soon as possible to give your body time to build up immunity. All family members can benefit from this protection, including pregnant women and children above 6 months old.

For medical emergency, please follow the instructions on our Emergency handout:

The Central Health Team

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